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We are incredibly grateful to all our supporters – from the Practice Network and wider industry to Trusts and Foundations. You can learn more about where that support is directed by reading about [our strategy and development plans]. If you would like more information on ways to support the school and our charitable aims, please contact our Head of School/Chief Executive Neal Shasore on


Founding supporters

Launching the London School of Architecture would not have been possible without the generous commitment of our Founders and Supporters. We are extremely grateful for the early and continuing support of:


Founding Patrons

  • Niall Hobhouse
  • Crispin Kelly
  • Sir Terry Leahy
  • Nadja Swarovski

Founding Practices


Founding Partners


Founding Benefactors

  • Richard Collins
  • Martin Halusa
  • Sir Peter Mason
  • Davina Mallinckrodt


  • The Schroder Foundation
  • Garfield Weston Foundation

Bequests and gifts in memory

We are still a new charity and are very grateful for contributions to our core operating costs, reserves and special projects or collaborations that fulfil both our charitable objectives to broaden access to, and diversity in, architectural education, and our wider vision that people live more fulfilled and sustainable lives in cities. You can learn more about our plans here.

Bequests and Gifts in Memory are very gratefully received. If you are thinking of leaving a gift or a gift in memory, we’d be happy to talk to you about the different ways in which you could help the School. Please feel free to contact us if you are thinking of giving in this way. There’s no need to tell us, but if you or your solicitor wish to discuss any aspect of a bequest, again, please feel free to let us know.


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